Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Must See!!!!

My Friend Lindsay sent me this today and I almost pee'd my pants laughing!

I am better than your kids.
If you work in an office with lots of people, chances
are that you work with a person who hangs pictures
up that their kids have drawn. The pictures are always
of some stupid flower or a tree with wheels. These
pictures suck; I could draw pictures much better. In
fact, I can spell, do math and run faster than your
kids. So being that my skills are obviously superior to
those of children, I've taken the liberty to judge art
work done by other kids on the internet. I'll be
assigning a grade A through F for each piece:
Megan, age 4
First of all, I don't even know what this
is. If it's supposed to be a dog, then it's
the shittiest dog I've ever seen. F

Dying to see more!!! Check it out!


  1. hahahaha. this is my absolute fav thing ever. glad you liked it!

  2. What are you trying to say about my kids artwork hanging in my office? I am going to take a picture (next time I am in the office) then post it to my page with this story...
